2 esProc Enterprise
esProc SPL, a data analysis engine reducing application cost by N times
Something Could Double the Development Efficiency of Java Programmers
Big Data
Big data technology that is orders of magnitude faster than SQL
Data warehouse running on file system
Lightweight big data processing technology
Data warehouse without using SQL
Hadoop/Spark is too heavy, esProc SPL is light
Why Big Data Platforms Return to SQL?
Is distributed technology the panacea for big data processing?
The performance problems of data warehouse and solutions
How the performance improvement by orders of magnitude happened
Why batch jobs are so difficult?
Data warehouse with “no house” performs better than the one with “the house”
Calculate Client Churn Rate
With lightweight SPL available, how necessary is MPP?
Is It Necessary to Use a Specialized In-Memory Database?
How to implement an efficient logical data warehouse? Try SPL!
Does stream computing need a framework? SPL may be a better choice
HTAP database cannot handle HTAP requirements
The current Lakehouse is like a false proposition
The Data Lake’s Impossible Triangle
DCM: A New Member of Middleware Family
SPL: The Open-source Java Library to Process Structured Data
Goodbye, Stored Procedures - the Love/Hate Thing
Data business in applications: Java or SQL?
Open-source SPL Makes Microservices More “Micro”
SPL: The Sharpest Tool for Handling Post-SQL Computations
Open-source SPL that can execute SQL without RDB
Which Tool Is Ideal for Diverse Source Mixed Computations
Computing engine on open-format files
Handling Excel Files in Java: From POI to SPL
Computing engine on WEB
From JSONPath and XPath to SPL
The Open-source SPL Boosts MongoDB Computing Ability
What to use for data preparation in report, query or analysis business?
The Open-source SPL Optimizes Report Application and Handles Endless Report Development Needs
Create Easy and Efficient T+0 Queries with Open-source SPL
The significance of open computing ability from the perspective of SPL
Open-source SPL: The Breaker of Closed Database Computing System
Data storing using file or database, which is more suitable?
Why ETL Becomes ELT or Even LET?
Open-source SPL Eliminates Tens of Thousands of Intermediate Tables from Databases
Routable computing engine implements front-end database
esProc SPL, the challenger of SQLite
Interpreting Low-Code from the perspective of open-source SPL
Business Intelligence
Are Wide Tables Fast or Slow?
The “Female Manager’s Male Subordinates” Problem That Frustrates All BI Tools
Intelligent Application
How far is SPL from vector database?
SPL Official Website 👉 https://www.esproc.com
SPL Feedback and Help 👉 https://www.reddit.com/r/esProcSPL
SPL Learning Material 👉 https://c.esproc.com
SPL Source Code and Package 👉 https://github.com/SPLWare/esProc
Discord 👉 https://discord.gg/2bkGwqTj
Youtube 👉 https://www.youtube.com/@esProc_SPL