esProc Desktop and Excel processing (2021)
0. Basic usages
1. File extraction and generation
Retrieve data from complex row-based text files
Extract data from uncertain rows
Extract specified cell data in Excel
Extract repeated cell areas in Excel
Extract data of mixed-style structure in Excel
Extract column-direction data in Excel | 2
Extract contiguous areas in Excel
Extract data from XML and JSON
Fill in the specified cell in Excel
Fill in column data horizontally
2. Merge, aggregation and split
Merge row-based Excel tables | 3
Combine columns and deal with duplicate data
Remove duplicate and summary columns when merging
Combine tables with different columns horizontally
Remove duplicates when combining rows and columns | 2
Summarize duplicates with combining rows and columns
Fixed format table alignment summary
Append and accumulate data to a summary table
3. Searching and filtering
Find Position of a Certain Value
Filter Data by Multi-Condition
Find the First and Last Data | 2
Find the Maximum and Minimum Values
Find and Filter Data by Adjacent Values
Find and Filter Data in Adjacent Intervals | 3
Find Intervals with Continuous Data | 2
Filter Data Categories by Condition of Aggregate Value | 2
Choose One Data in Each Category
Filter Data with Maximum and Minimum Values in a Category | 2
Find Adjacent Rows in the Same Category | 2
Filter Data by the Aggregate Value of Category | 2
4. Calculate cell value and aggregation value
Calculate Columns According to Other columns
Calculate Data by Adjacent Rows and Intervals | 2
Calculate Cumulative Value with Possible Early Termination
Calculate Adjacent Rows with Continuous the-Same-Category Data
Calculate Adjacent Rows with Discontinuous the-Same-Category Data
Generate Calculated Columns Based on the Aggregation Results | 2
Calculate Cumulative Value in Categories
Add Aggregation of Same Category | 2
Generate Numbers for the Same Group of Data
Split Summary Values of Groups into the Detail Rows
Fill in the Cell Value by the Position in the Category
Empty the Consecutive Same Data Except for the First Row
Add a Summary at the First Row of Each Group | 3
Summarize Data by Column Direction
5. Operation on sets and judgment of belongingness
The Intersection, Union, and Difference of Simple Members | 2 | 3 | 4
Calculate the Intersection, Union, and Difference of Row-Style Data
Calculate the Intersection, Union, and Difference on Uncertain Number of Sets
How to Judge Equality and Belongingness Between Sets | 2
How to Judge Equality and Belongingness Between Sets Regardless of Order
6. Judgment, counting and deleting of duplicate data
Count the Number of Duplicates
Count the Number of Duplicates for Uncertain Columns
Deduplicate without Changing Original Order
Deduplicate Multiple Related Columns
7. Sorting and ranking
Align Data with Duplicates in Specified Order
Concatenate members with the same ranks
8. Special grouping and aggregation
Grouping by Empty or Non-Empty Rows
Concatenate the same group of data into text | 2
Aggregating Uncertain Number of Columns
9. Association and comparison
Use Formulas to Perform Association
Associating Tables through a Single Column | 2
Associating Tables through Multi-Columns
Associating a Single Column with Multiple Columns of Another Table
Interval Association in the Formula | 2
Use the Associated Table for Interval Association | 2
Use a two-dimensional association table
Use interval range to look up association table
Associate multiple rows of data
10. Conversion between rows and columns
Convert row-style table and cross table
Convert row-column upper classification
Put data in category horizontally into columns | 2
Re-categorize or sort the categorized data when it is put into columns
Convert certain columns of the same row into multiple rows as classification members
Convert every N columns into multiple rows
Convert categories into columns
Convert rows and columns in a category
reverse order of columns after transposing
11. Expand and complement
Convert one row into multiple rows based on the value | 2
Split a text into multiple rows | 2
Fill in missing parts in continuous values | 2
Fill up a number of blank lines every N rows
Insert a row after a specific row
Insert a blank row with data changing
Expand multiple columns horizontally
Expand multiple N columns horizontally
12. Operations on text
Split a text into multiple | 2
Get multiple texts after Splitting and concatenating
Take out numbers from texts | 2 | 3
Split different types of characters from texts | 2
How to Extract the First Two Words from a White-space-separated String
13. Operations on date and time
Summarize date by year and month
Calculate time repeat interval
Generate all dates between two dates | 2
Generate consecutive time points with the same interval
The first Friday of a month/quarter/year
14. Mathematical operations and more
Generate permutations and combinations
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