From SQL to SPL: Substring from a column of strings
The database table tbl has a string field DESCRIPTION.
104009400031900 |
S235JRG2C+C EN 10277/10 80 x 8 mm Blanker Flachstahl |
104009800002950 |
Werksattest nach EN 10204 |
105009400092360 |
EN 10060 Inox Rund Ø 28 mm WNr1.4034 warmgefertigt |
105009400068571 |
90 mm WNr1.4404 warmgefertigt, EN 10060, geschmiedet |
105009400004420 |
WNr1.4301 Inox Vierkantstahl 6 x 6 mm EN 10278, blankgezogen |
105009400008800 |
WNr1.4301 Inox Band geschnitten 25 x 4 mm, Breitentol. 25 m |
105009400068600 |
WNr1.4112 Inox Rund 8.00 mm nach EN 10088-3 + A+C+SL, gesch |
105009400068700 |
WNr1.4301 Inox Rund 36.00 mm nach EN 10088-3, geschliffen, T |
105009400068800 |
WNr1.4104 Inox Rund 25.00 mm nach EN 10088-3, geschliffen, T |
105009400010035 |
WNr1.4404 Inox Vierkantstahl 30 x 30 mm, gezogen EN 10278 |
Now we need to retrieve the word 'EN' and the subsequent string of numbers from the DESCRIPTION field. The string of numbers may consist entirely of digits, such as '10204', or it may contain special characters, such as '10277/10'. Caution: Do not retrieve punctuation marks; If the string does not contain 'EN', return null.
104009400031900 |
EN 10277/10 |
104009800002950 |
EN 10204 |
105009400092360 |
EN 10060 |
105009400068571 |
EN 10060 |
105009400004420 |
EN 10278 |
105009400008800 |
105009400068600 |
EN 10088-3 |
105009400068700 |
EN 10088-3 |
105009400068800 |
EN 10088-3 |
105009400010035 |
EN 10278 |
DECLARE @separator CHAR(1) = SPACE(1);
, REPLACE(c.query('
for $x in /root/r[text()="EN"]
let $pos := count(root/r[. << $x]) + 1
return if (xs:int(substring((/root/r[$pos + 1]/text())[1],1,5)) instance of xs:int) then
data(/root/r[position()=($pos, $pos + 1)])
else data(/root/r[$pos])
').value('text()[1]', 'NVARCHAR(30)')
,',', '') AS NORM
FROM @tbl AS t
CROSS APPLY (SELECT PATINDEX('%EN[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]%', DESCRIPTION)) AS t2(pos) -- to handle Exception cases
REPLACE(IIF(pos > 0, STUFF(DESCRIPTION,pos + 2,0, SPACE(1)), DESCRIPTION), @separator, ']]></r><r><![CDATA[') +
--REPLACE(DESCRIPTION, @separator, ']]></r><r><![CDATA[') +
']]></r></root>' AS XML)) AS t1(c)
SQL can implement it using CROSS APPLY with XML syntax, but the code is complex and lengthy. Using regular expressions can also implement it, but the code is more difficult to understand. SPL provides string splitting functions and ordered calculation functions, with simple and easy to understand code:
A |
1 |
$select * from tbl.txt |
2 |, if(s=substr(DESCRIPTION,"EN ").split().select@c(pos("012346789/+-%_",~)).concat(),"EN "+s):NORM) |
A1: Load data.
A2: Find the substring after "EN " from the large string, split it into a set by character, extract the preceding numeric members, as well as special characters such as +-%_ in the numeric string, and merge them into a numeric string. The select function is used for filtering, @c represents taking from the first member onward until the first member that makes the condition false. The pos function returns the position of the substring.
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