SPL assists MongoDB: Aggregation nested $group
The data of a collection (named type_properties) in the MongoDB database is as follows:
{ type: "agency", properties: 4 },
{ type: "host", properties: 5 },
{ type: "agency", properties: 4 },
{ type: "landlord", properties: 5 },
{ type: "agency", properties: 8 },
{ type: "tenant", properties: 2 },
{ type: "host", properties: 1 },
{ type: "host", properties: 1 },
{ type: "agency", properties: 8 },
{ type: "host", properties: 9 },
{ type: "host", properties: 5 },
{ type: "agency", properties: 1 },
{ type: "agency", properties: 2 },
{ type: "tenant", properties: 2 },
{ type: "agency", properties: 1 },
{ type: "tenant", properties: 4 },
{ type: "tenant", properties: 7 }
Requirement: Group by type and count 5 indicators within the group, as follows:
count: The number of records within the group, taking tenant as an example, is 4
“0 properties”: The number of records with PROPERTIES=0 within the group is 0 in this example
“1 property”: The number of records with PROPERTIES=1 within the group is 0 in this example
“2 properties”: The number of records with PROPERTIES=2 within the group is 2 in this example
“3 or more properties”: The number of records with Properties>=3 within the group is 2 in this example
The expected results are as follows:
type: "tenant",
"0 properties": 0, // 0 TENANTS WHERE PROPERTIES = 0
"1 property": 0, // 0 TENANTS WHERE PROPERTIES = 1
"2 properties": 2, // 2 TENANTS WHERE PROPERTIES = 2
"3 or more properties": 2 // 2 TENANTS WHERE PROPERTIES >= 3
type: "landlord",
count: 1,
"0 properties": 0,
"1 property": 0,
"2 properties": 0,
"3 or more properties": 1
type: "agency",
count: 7,
"0 properties": 0,
"1 property": 2,
"2 properties": 1,
"3 or more properties": 4
type: "host",
count: 5,
"0 properties": 0,
"1 property": 2,
"2 properties": 0,
"3 or more properties": 3
MongoDB query statement is lengthy and cumbersome. A relatively simple way to write it is as follows:
$group: {
_id: "$type",
count: { $count: {} },
num_properties: { $push: "$properties" }
$set: {
"0 properties": {
$size: {
$filter: { input: "$num_properties", cond: { $eq: ["$$this", 0] } }
"1 property": {
$size: {
$filter: { input: "$num_properties", cond: { $eq: ["$$this", 1] } }
"2 properties": {
$size: {
$filter: { input: "$num_properties", cond: { $eq: ["$$this", 2] } }
"3 or more properties": {
$size: {
$filter: { input: "$num_properties", cond: { $gte: ["$$this", 3] } }
type: "$_id",
_id: "$$REMOVE",
num_properties: "$$REMOVE"
The count function provided by SPL can take filtering conditions as parameters, so it can implement it in one line of grouping code:
A |
1 |
=mongo_open@d("mongodb://") |
2 |
=mongo_shell@d(A1, "{'find':'type_properties','projection':{'_id':0}}") |
3 |
=mongo_close(A1) |
4 |
=A2.groups(type;count(1):count,count(properties==0):'0 properties', count(properties==1):'1 properties', count(properties==2):'2 properties', count(properties>=3):'3 or more properties') |
5 |
=json(A4) |
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