10.7 Get the date N months before
Find the date N months before.
Query the total sale amount of three months before 2014/05/21. Below is part of the sale data:
10400 | EASTC | 1 | 2014/01/01 | 3063.0 |
10401 | HANAR | 1 | 2014/01/01 | 3868.6 |
10402 | ERNSH | 8 | 2014/01/02 | 2713.5 |
10403 | ERNSH | 4 | 2014/01/03 | 1005.9 |
10404 | MAGAA | 2 | 2014/01/03 | 1675.0 |
… | … | … | … | … |
SPL supplies elapse(dateExp, n) function to get the date a certain time period before/after. The function gets date before n days/months/years before when n is negative. It uses @m to get a date n months before or after a date specified.
SPL script:
A | |
1 | =connect(“db”) |
2 | =A1.query@x(“select * from Sales”) |
3 | =date(“2014/05/21”) |
4 | =A2.select(OrderDate>=elapse@m(A3,-3) && OrderDate<A3) |
5 | =A4.sum(Amount) |
A1 Connect to data source.
A2 Import Sales table.
A3 Define a date.
A4 Use elapse() function to get a date 3 months before A3’s date, and select records within the target 3 months.
A5 Calculate total sale amount in the 3 months.
Execution result:
Value |
154074.49 |
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