Overcome SQL Headache - Intuitive Grouping
1. Aligned grouping
Example 1: List the number of countries whose official languages are respectively Chinese, English and French.
with t(name,ord) as (select 'Chinese',1
union all select 'English',2
union all select 'French',3)
select t.name, count(countrycode) cnt
from t left join world.countrylanguage s on t.name=s.language
where s.isofficial='T'
group by name,ord
order by ord;
Note: The charset the table uses and the session charset should be the same.
(1) show variables like ‘character_set_connection’ View the charset the current session uses;
(2) show create table world.countrylanguage View the table’s charset;
(3) set character_set_connection=[Charset]Update the charset the current session uses
esProc SPL script:
A | |
1 | =connect("mysql") |
2 | =A1.query@x("select * from world.countrylanguage where isofficial='T' ") |
3 | [Chinese,English,French] |
4 | =A2.align@a(A3,Language) |
5 | =A4.new(A3(#):name, ~.len():cnt) |
A1: Connect to the database;
A2: Get all records of official languages;
A3: List three official languages;
A4: Align all records with A3’s members in order by Language;
A5: Create a table sequence consisting of language name and the number of countries that use the language.
Example 2: List the number of countries whose official languages are respectively Chinese, English, French and others.
with t(name,ord) as (select 'Chinese',1 union all select 'English',2
union all select 'French',3 union all select 'Other', 4),
s(name, cnt) as (
select language, count(countrycode) cnt
from world.countrylanguage s
where s.isofficial='T' and language in ('Chinese','English','French')
group by language
union all
select 'Other', count(distinct countrycode) cnt
from world.countrylanguage s
where isofficial='T' and language not in ('Chinese','English','French')
select t.name, s.cnt
from t left join s using (name)
order by t.ord;
esProc SPL script:
A | |
1 | =connect("mysql") |
2 | =A1.query@x("select * from world.countrylanguage where isofficial='T' ") |
3 | [Chinese,English,French,Other] |
4 | =A2.align@an(A3.to(3),Language) |
5 | =A4.new(A3(#):name, if(#<=3,~.len(), ~.icount(CountryCode)):cnt) |
A4: Align all records with A3.to(3) in order by Language, and append a group containing non-aligned records;
A5: Over the last group, calculate the number of countries with other CountryCodes.
2. Enum grouping
Example 1: List the number of cities of different types according to the specified order.
with t as (select * from world.city where CountryCode='CHN'),
segment(class,start,end) as (select 'tiny', 0, 200000
union all select 'small', 200000, 1000000
union all select 'medium', 1000000, 2000000
union all select 'big', 2000000, 100000000
select class, count(1) cnt
from segment s join t on t.population>=s.start and t.population<s.end
group by class, start
order by start;
esProc SPL script:
A | |
1 | =connect("mysql") |
2 | =A1.query@x("select * from world.city where CountryCode='CHN' ") |
3 | =${string([20,100,200,10000].(~*10000).("?<"/~))} |
4 | [tiny,small,medium,big] |
5 | =A2.enum(A3,Population) |
6 | =A5.new(A4(#):class, ~.len():cnt) |
A3: ${…} is the macro replacement, which calculates the expression enclosed by the braces and takes the result as a new expression for recalculation. Here the final result is the sequence [“?<200000”,“?<1000000”,“?<2000000”,“?<100000000”].
A5: Over each record in A2, compare it with A3’s first condition, and add it to the corresponding group if the condition is satisfied.
Example 2: List the numbers of metropolises in East China, in other areas in China, and the number of non-metropolises in China.
with t as (select * from world.city where CountryCode='CHN')
select 'East&Big' class, count(*) cnt
from t
where population>=2000000
and district in ('Shanghai','Jiangshu', 'Shandong','Zhejiang','Anhui','Jiangxi')
union all
select 'Other&Big', count(*)
from t
where population>=2000000
and district not in ('Shanghai','Jiangshu','Shandong','Zhejiang','Anhui','Jiangxi')
union all
select 'Not Big', count(*)
from t
where population<2000000;
esProc SPL script:
A | |
1 | =connect("mysql") |
2 | =A1.query@x("select * from world.city where CountryCode='CHN' ") |
3 | [Shanghai,Jiangshu, Shandong,Zhejiang,Anhui,Jiangxi] |
4 | [?(1)>=2000000 && A3.contain(?(2)), ?(1)>=2000000 && !A3.contain(?(2))] |
5 | [East&Big,Other&Big, Not Big] |
6 | =A2.enum@n(A4, [Population,District]) |
7 | =A6.new(A5(#):class, A6(#).len():cnt) |
A5: enum@n puts records that cannot meet any condition specified in A4 in the appended last group.
Example 3: List the numbers of metropolises all over China, in the East China, and the non-metropolises in China.
with t as (select * from world.city where CountryCode='CHN')
select 'Big' class, count(*) cnt
from t
where population>=2000000
union all
select 'East&Big' class, count(*) cnt
from t
where population>=2000000
and district in ('Shanghai','Jiangshu','Shandong','Zhejiang','Anhui','Jiangxi')
union all
select 'Not Big' class, count(*) cnt
from t
where population<2000000;
esProc SPL script:
A | |
1 | =connect("mysql") |
2 | =A1.query@x("select * from world.city where CountryCode='CHN' ") |
3 | [Shanghai,Jiangshu, Shandong,Zhejiang,Anhui,Jiangxi] |
4 | [?(1)>=2000000, ?(1)>=2000000 && A3.contain(?(2))] |
5 | [Big, East&Big, Not Big] |
6 | =A2.enum@rn(A4, [Population,District]) |
7 | =A6.new(A5(#):class, A6(#).len():cnt) |
A6: If a record in A2 satisfies all conditions in A4, enum@r will add it to the corresponding group.
3. Position-based grouping
Example 1: List the numbers of cities of different types.
MySQL8: See the SQL code in Enum grouping.
esProc SPL script:
A | |
1 | =connect("mysql") |
2 | =A1.query@x("select * from world.city where CountryCode='CHN' ") |
3 | =[0,20,100,200].(~*10000) |
4 | [tiny,small,medium,big] |
5 | =A2.group@n(A3.pseg(Population)) |
6 | =A5.new(A4(#):class, ~.len():cnt) |
A5: First calculate the segment number in A3 for A2.Population, and then put the current record into the corresponding group.
4. Grouping in the original order by comparing adjacent records
Example 1: List gold medal counts for the first 10 Olympic Games (Only the top three are recorded and there are no identical standings).
with t1 as (select *,rank() over(partition by game order by gold\*1000000+silver\*1000+copper desc) rn from olympic where game<=10)
select game,nation,gold,silver,copper from t1 where rn=1;
esProc SPL script:
A | |
1 | =connect("mysql") |
2 | =A1.query("select * from olympic where game<=10 order by game, gold*1000000+silver*1000+copper desc") |
3 | =A2.group@o1(game) |
A3: Group records by game in the original order and get the first record from every group to form a new table sequence.
Example 2: Count the Olympic Games when a nation consecutively ranks first for the total number of medals.
with t1 as (select *,rank() over(partition by game order by gold\*1000000+silver\*1000+copper desc) rn from olympic),
t2 as (select game,ifnull(nation<>lag(nation) over(order by game),0) neq from t1 where rn=1),
t3 as (select sum(neq) over(order by game) acc from t2),
t4 as (select count(acc) cnt from t3 group by acc)
select max(cnt) cnt from t4;
t1: Calculate the standings of each Game;
t2: List champion of each Game and make a mark with neq according to whether or not the winning nation changes (the value of neq is 1 if the winner is different from the previous one, and 0 if the winners are the same;
t3: Accumulate the number of 1 and 0 respectively into acc. This ensures that continuous same nations have same acc values and nonadjacent nations have different acc values.
esProc SPL script:
A | |
1 | =connect("mysql") |
2 | =A1.query("select * from olympic order by game, gold*1000000+silver*1000+copper desc") |
3 | =A2.group@o1(game) |
4 | =A3.group@o(nation) |
5 | =A4.max(~.len()) |
A4: Put continuous records with same nations into same group in the original order;
A5: Find the biggest length among groups, which is the biggest number of consecutive champions.
Example 3: List Olympic medal counts records for the nation that won the longest row of championships.
with t1 as (select *,rank() over(partition by game order by gold\*1000000+silver\*1000+copper desc) rn from olympic),
t2 as (select *,ifnull(nation<>lag(nation) over(order by game),0) neq from t1 where rn=1),
t3 as (select *, sum(neq) over(order by game) acc from t2),
t4 as (select acc,count(acc) cnt from t3 group by acc),
t5 as (select * from t4 where cnt=(select max(cnt) cnt from t4))
select game,nation,gold,silver,copper from t3 join t5 using (acc);
esProc SPL script:
A | |
1 | =connect("mysql") |
2 | =A1.query("select * from olympic order by game, gold*1000000+silver*1000+copper desc") |
3 | =A2.group@o1(game) |
4 | =A3.group@o(nation) |
5 | =A4.maxp(~.len()) |
A5: Find the group containing the most members.
Example 4: Find the biggest number of Olympic Games when the gold medals of top 3 winners increase consecutively.
with t1 as (select game,sum(gold) gold from olympic group by game),
t2 as (select game,gold, gold<=lag(gold,1,-1) over(order by game) lt from t1),
t3 as (select game, sum(lt) over(order by game) acc from t2),
t4 as (select count(*) cnt from t3 group by acc)
select max(cnt)-1 cnt from t4;
esProc SPL script:
A | |
1 | =connect("mysql") |
2 | =A1.query("select game,sum(gold) gold from olympic group by game order by game") |
3 | =A2.group@i(gold<=gold[-1]) |
4 | =A3.max(~.len())-1 |
A3: Group records by game according to the specified condition. A new group will be created if the current number of gold medals is less than or equal to the previous number of gold medals.
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