SPL assists MongoDB: Convert response into array of object
The data for a collection (named product_category) in the MongoDB database is as follows:
"product_id": 1212,
"name": "sprit",
"category_id": 1234,
"category": "drink"
"product_id": 1212,
"name": "sprit",
"category_id": 2122,
"category": "soda"
"product_id": 1212,
"name": "sprit",
"category_id": 2121,
"category": "mocktail"
"product_id": 1212,
"name": "sprit",
"category_id": 2121,
"category": "mocktail"
Requirement: Find non duplicate categories for the product and create a multi-layered structure, where two product fields are located in the upper layer and two category fields are located in the lower layer array. The expected results are as follows:
"name": "sprit",
"product_id": 1212,
"categogies": [
"category": "soda",
"category_id": 2122
"category": "drink",
"category_id": 1234
"category": "mocktail",
"category_id": 2121
The syntax of MongoDB query itself is quite long, and simple grouping requires writing many lines:
$group: {
_id: "$product_id",
name: {
$first: "$name"
categogies: {
$addToSet: {
"category_id": "$category_id",
"category": "$category"
$project: {
_id: 0,
product_id: "$_id",
name: "$name",
categogies: "$categogies"
SPL grouping can retain subsets of grouping, which can implement it in just one line and is easy to read and understand:
A |
1 |
=mongo_open@d("mongodb://") |
2 |
=mongo_shell@d(A1, "{'find':'product_category','projection':{'_id':0}}") |
3 |
=mongo_close(A1) |
4 |
=A2.group(product_id;~.name,~.groups(category_id;category):categories) |
5 |
=json(A4) |
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