SPL assists MongoDB: Grouping adjacent documents
The data of a collection (named states) in the MongoDB database is as follows:
{order: 1, state: 'one'},
{order: 2, state: 'one'},
{order: 3, state: 'one'},
{order: 4, state: 'two'},
{order: 5, state: 'two'},
{order: 6, state: 'one'},
{order: 7, state: 'two'},
{order: 8, state: 'three'},
{order: 9, state: 'three'}
Requirement: Group by adjacent states.
The expected results are as follows:
{order: 1, state: 'one'},
{order: 2, state: 'one'},
{order: 3, state: 'one'}
{order: 4, state: 'two'},
{order: 5, state: 'two'}
{order: 6, state: 'one'}
{order: 7, state: 'two'}
{order: 8, state: 'three'},
{order: 9, state: 'three'}
In MongoDB, it is difficult to directly use query statements to implement the function of grouping adjacent states, because MongoDB’s query language itself does not support this complex grouping logic. This requirement can be indirectly implemented by combining an Aggregation Pipeline with some custom logic.
Here is a way to write it:
$sort: { order: 1 }
$group: {
_id: null,
documents: { $push: "$$ROOT" }
$project: {
grouped: {
$reduce: {
input: "$documents",
initialValue: {
previousState: null,
groups: []
in: {
$let: {
vars: {
currentState: "$$this.state",
lastGroup: { $arrayElemAt: ["$$value.groups", -1] }
in: {
$cond: [
{ $eq: ["$$value.previousState", "$$this.state"] },
previousState: "$$this.state",
groups: {
$concatArrays: [
{ $slice: ["$$value.groups", { $subtract: [{ $size: "$$value.groups" }, 1] }] },
$concatArrays: [
previousState: "$$this.state",
groups: {
$concatArrays: [
$project: {
_id: 0,
grouped: "$grouped.groups"
$unwind: "$grouped"
$project: {
_id: 0,
documents: "$grouped"
$group: {
_id: null,
result: { $push: "$documents" }
$project: {
_id: 0,
result: 1
The running result is:
result: [
_id: ObjectId('67c65e846d497a00cd02a427'),
order: 1,
state: 'one'
_id: ObjectId('67c65e846d497a00cd02a428'),
order: 2,
state: 'one'
_id: ObjectId('67c65e846d497a00cd02a429'),
order: 3,
state: 'one'
_id: ObjectId('67c65e846d497a00cd02a42a'),
order: 4,
state: 'two'
_id: ObjectId('67c65e846d497a00cd02a42b'),
order: 5,
state: 'two'
_id: ObjectId('67c65e846d497a00cd02a42c'),
order: 6,
state: 'one'
_id: ObjectId('67c65e846d497a00cd02a42d'),
order: 7,
state: 'two'
_id: ObjectId('67c65e846d497a00cd02a42e'),
order: 8,
state: 'three'
_id: ObjectId('67c65e846d497a00cd02a42f'),
order: 9,
state: 'three'
SPL provides the function of grouping by adjacent records, and the code is concise and clear:
A |
1 |
=mongo_open@d("mongodb://") |
2 |
=mongo_shell@d(A1, "{'find':'states','projection':{'_id':0}}") |
3 |
=mongo_close(A1) |
4 |
=A2.group@o(state) |
5 |
=json(A4) |
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