Get Top 3 from Each MySQL Group
Key words: MySQL, Group, intra-group, top N
Below is the MySQL way of doing this. It takes a roundabout route because the database doesn’t support order-based calculations directly.
select t.*
(select t1.*,
(select count(*)+1
from A
where g=t1.g
and x>t1.x
) as group_id
from A t1
) t
where group_id<=3
order by g asc, group_id asc
Yet it’s a piece of cake to get this done in SPL (Structured Process Language). Only a one-liner is enough:;;x)).conj(#2)
* To get rows where a specified field value is greater than the median from each group;
* To get the maximum growth rate in each group;
* To get groups where values of a specified field rises consecutively;
SPL is good at handling these types of calculations over subsets or detailed data in a group. More explanations and examples can be found in Getting Top N Problem Optimization in SPL, Intra-group Calculation Optimization in SPL and Inter-row Calculation Optimization in SPL.
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